"Three months ago I was referred to The Gut R.D. LLC and Christi Buck, RDN ,LDN CLT, for medical and digestive issues. Christi explained the program and gave me ideas of ending some digestive issues I had for over a year. I also wanted to bring my type two diabetes under better control along with loosing some weight. At that time my blood sugars ran 120+ and my A!C was 7.1 Part of the program was a blood test to determine what foods I might not tolerate well and those I was very sensitive to . After three months I have reduced my digestive issues from a score of 111 to 16. My blood sugars now are between 105 and 120. My A!C is now 5.9 and I have lost 8 eight pounds. I have another three months with the program and hope to accomplish even more positive results. Food plays a big part in peoples medical and digestive problems. This program is teaching me what foods are best for me and how I can take back my health.Thanks to Christi Buck and the Gut Program, I feel much better than I have in years and my Primary Physician is finally pleased with my progress."